Saturday, August 16, 2014


Bấm vào đây để đọc fiên bản tiếng Việt 

You will need UTF-8 Encoding to see proper Vietnamese.
Birth: born in 1925 in Hue, VietNam.
Education: High School in Hue.
Career: Nurse
Longest Residence: CamRanh, VietNam, from 1960 to 1988
Settled in Norway: 1988, in an Orderly Departure Program (ODP).

On 10 August 2014, The Garbage Oldman, Mr. Phan Van Dong, came back to VietNam and set up a free lunch for about 30 guests, most already got rice aid from Mr. Dong in years.

In the following clips, you will see most guests are handicap, old, poor, lonely.

If Mr. Dong is the beggar trying to help the pan-handler, then most of those who got aid from Mr. Dong are the limping trying to help the crippled.

1) A blind father of a limping daughter:

2) A crippled mother of a one-leg son. A retarded ethnic man:

3) Mr. Dong helped a handicap old woman off a motorbike:

4) Lunch was set up:

5) Mr. Dong greeted the guests and explained how he has worked for this charity job:

6) A woman thanked Mr. Dong for helping her set up a tiny 9 square meter cottage:

7) The same woman thanked Mr. Dong again thru a song:

8) 35 rice bags ready to be handed out today, each bag of 10 kg per person a month: 

9) The miserable got rice aid and went home:

10) Some more miserable got rice aid and went home:

11) For those who could not come to lunch today, Mr. Dong and his assistants delivered rice aid right at their door, for example, this crippled woman:

12) This handicap woman has to work to take care of her lonely old mother, bed-ridden for more than 10 years: 

13) A lonely old woman has been bed-ridden for more than 12 years:

14) This old couple in their 90's are the poorest of the poor:

15) A lonely old woman take care of her braìn dead son for almost 30 years:

Could the living standard of those miserable be still lowered some more?

Please, give Mr. Dong a hand just to maintain their miserable life for one more day, or two.
Thank you so much. God bless you.

If you want to know more about Mr. Dong past charity credit, please check the web page:

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